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Our Mission


Across the world, 600 million are affected and 400,000 die from food safety contamination issues each year. The detection technologies for bacteria, toxins, metal ions, and more harmful substances are controlled by large corporations and government organizations at primary stages – with a lack of investment in recent years. This leaves a gap between production and consumption and a gap between personal safety and societal standards. This drives WHI to increase awareness of these issues, employ a lab-level, affordable, and accessible biosensor for these issues, and launch an application that integrates a smart solution to these issues.

At the same time, food security has always been a global issue, with hunger and related effects of malnourishment as the leading cause of death. An increasing demand for food creates demand-side challenges, which WHI tackles through food and supply drives and its close partnership with UNESCO-affiliated LearningPlanet Alliance and the FAO to meet UN SDG2, Zero Hunger. On a broader spectrum, public health lacks institutions and recognition in many countries. Here at WHI, we aim to raise awareness of general health issues that extend beyond the barriers of academic fields.

Our Vision


The World Health Institute was founded to close these gaps. WHI provides research support, volunteering opportunities, and corporate experience for youth to leap into action in the food sciences and public health. As an international institute, we hope to take these measures and our close collaboration with partners to create a future world where basic public health infrastructures are resilient and everyone has sufficient, safe food to consume. We serve those interested in getting involved in tech entrepreneurship, health sciences, and many more, providing an entry point for students of any background and experience.

Our Partners

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