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Culinova is a biochemistry-based biosensor that can effectively detect harmful substances in food anytime, anywhere with laboratory-level parameters. In this project, SafePlate plans to provide FoodDetective biosensors to individual households and communities through sales and fund-raising to ensure a resilient and sustainable food network among the general public 

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About the Device

Based on the original ideas of the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) 2023 Biochemistry Best of Category Winning Project​.  To know more about the project, visit:


Value Propositions

  1. Household-based usage and related market strategies implemented

  2. Value Propositions: convenient, highly sensitive, high cost-performance ratio 

  3. Targeted Analytes: pathogenic bacteria, metabolic toxins, and metal ions 



Why Culinova? 

First-ever Point of Care based (used anytime, anywhere) Electrochemiluminescence biosensor for ensuring food safety

  1. Favorable detection performance, reaching pico-M levels

  2. Customer-friendly design, convenient usage, and easily portable

  3. High-quality product, with durability of up to ten years


Included Services

Educational Program: Introducing modern food safety issues and health implications


Recyclable integrated electrode: Provide recycling services for customers regarding the one-time use of electrodes for detection

Device Sales: $90 per device, delivery excluded

Food Photography

Please get in touch if you're interested in sponsoring / investing in the product.  WHI provides our Business Plan Details for prospective partners, and we are always more than happy to address your concerns! 

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