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TTT Initiative

Tag To Taste.  Tag the allergens in consumed food before getting a taste of your meal!

The TTT Initiative aims to place allergen tags in communities, food markets, restaurants, and canteens to protect the consumption safety of allergic individuals and empower every-day citizens to actively engage in tackling food safety issues.

About Allergens

Allergens are substances that can cause allergic reactions.

Food Allergies

The Immune System attacks harmless proteins in food, leading to serious reactions.


Itichiness, rashness, Vomiting, swollen mouth or throat, breathlessness, immense body pain


Claim Your Label Today.

Contribute to your community and the safety & well-being of those

around you by placing these tags in food-providing locations.

Community Outreach

1.7 billion people globally lack basic sanitation services, such as private toilets or latrines, not mention the other issues related to personal well-being that are prevalent, such as lack of education, entertainment, and mental relief when it comes to overall development and personal health. This is why WHI has worked with Dynamic Donations to carry out these fundraising, charity, and hospital volunteering activities that give back to the community and strengthen our commitment towards not only public health, but individual well-being on a case-by-case basis.

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Pink Ribbon Day - Breast Cancer Awareness Month

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