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Our Projects

Safeplate is a youth-led non-government organization that centers around the idea of tackling food safety issues through Education, Empowerment, and Action (EEA)


Based on an ISEF 2023 First Place Award Project, FoodDetective is a biochemistry-based biosensor that can effectively detect harmful substances in food anytime, anywhere with laboratory-level parameters.  In this project, SafePlate plans to provide FoodDetective biosensors to individual households and communities through sales and fund-raising to ensure a resilient and sustainable food network among the general public

Zero Hunger

In alignment with the United Nation’s Sustainable Goal 2, SafePlate’s ZeroHunger Project is an international funding initiative to provide first-handed support to regions lacking sustainable food security.  

Education Program

Among populous developing and less developed nations, the lack of awareness of food safety issues leads to concerning health implications. The Education Program aims to spread awareness of food safety issues to audiences of all ages to promote healthy eating habits and safe food consumption across the international community.



SafePlate+ is an IOS and Android-based APP that educates food safety, provides personalized health evaluations and dietary plans, and is linked directly with FoodDetective for smart analysis of detection results.  Designed to be interchangeably used, SafePlate+ can provide helpful information about personal health with or without the device present.


Safe Eats aims to promote social activism tackling food safety issues by tagging allergic ingredients in communities and restaurants to have a safer dining experience.  As a social activism initiative, SafeEats hopes to promote public action and ensure the consumption safety of allergic populations 

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